Dear Brigid  ,


 This is a collection of letters my mother received from family members and friends in Reaskmore from 1929 through 1988.  This is a window to the family genealogy and a cherished link to those who are no longer with us.  Some of the letters deal with the everyday mundane issues of life, and some bring news of joyous or mournful events. But my mother looked forward to receiving them as I know they were much anticipated back home in Ireland.  In the 1950's and 60's I remember her coming home from work and receiving a blue airmail post in the mail.  After brewing some tea and opening a Danish pastry, she would sit and read her letter from home.  This was her time, in fact it was her favorite time of the day.   And all these years later, I can understand why.          

    There are over  160 letters and as many as 300 pages imaged and ready to be posted on this website.  Additions will be made from time to time and since this is a labor of love it will take some time to complete.  I hope you enjoy reading through the letters as much as I did. 

There is a gap in the letters in this collection from May 1943 through  July 1951 and I am unsure as to the reason why.  It is possible that the letters were lost, but that would be unusual being that she was so  vigilant about saving her letters  for the previous 14 years.

    On July 14 1941 Pat  Cush and Sarah Duffy were married.

    Alice Duffy passed away on December 2, 1942.

    In June of 1943 my Mother and  Father were married and a whole new chapter in her life began.

As I wrote at the top of the page, I remember my mother receiving many letters from Reaskmore during the 50's 60's and 70's, and my only conclusion is that they were lost over a period of years.  How many more things were there to learn about the family in Ireland.  I am so grateful to have such a rich collection of information to draw from, and so pleased to preserve these letters for posterity.    Here is the final group of letters in this collection.